Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Na Aana Iss Desh Laado 1st November 2011 Written Episode

Na Aana Iss Desh Laado 1st November 2011 Written Episode

Jhanvi is disturbed thinking about Mausam. Santosh tells Chanda and Tanisha is Jhanvi is considering herself responsible for Mausam's incident and suffering herself. Someone knocks on temple door, Santosh opens it. Its Diya who has returned. Santosh and Tanisha inquires about Karan. Diya tells them though Karan is not good condition, but he is fine. She looks disturbed and Jhanvi senses that. She asks Diya about same. Diya reveals that Rana is released from jail. Everyone is shocked. Pandit says thats nothing great, its difficult to put Rana behind bars in Veerpur atleast. Diya advices Jhanvi to go out of Veerpur, else Rana will surely torture you to get married with his son. Ammaji comes and rejects idea of Diya. She tells everyone if Jhanvi goes away now. Rana will have one strong reason to torture Mausam. Ammaji decides she will do something herself.

Rana's wife is doing puja. One maid comes and informs her that one old lady has come to meet her from her hometown. Rana's wife is surprised! She asks maid to ask old lady to seat in guest room, she will join there. Rana's mistress overhears this conversation and surprised who has come to meet? Maid goes outside and calls the lady. While g oing in that lady lifts her vail and its Ammaji.

Satpal is nursering Rana's cheek which is red and he guesses that someone must have hit him hard Rana gets angry on him. When that lady is passing by in front of Rana; he stops her and inquires about her. Maid tells them she is from Thakurain's hometown. Rana asks her to reveal her face, but lady says what you will do watching face of old lady? You should have watch it when I was y [...]

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