Thursday, November 10, 2011

U.S. Justice Department Investigating Former Top CIA Lawyer

Former Top CIA Lawyer Under Investigation -- National Journal

The Justice Department is probing whether John Rizzo revealed classified information during Newsweek interview.

The Justice Department is investigating whether a former top U.S. intelligence official, John Rizzo, improperly disclosed classified information about the CIA's drone campaign, one of the spy agency's most secretive and politically sensitive programs.

People familiar with the matter say that the CIA's general counsel's office opened the probe in March, shortly after Newsweek published an article in which Rizzo -- who had retired in 2009 after serving as the CIA's acting general counsel -- outlined an array of specific details about how CIA officials choose terrorists for drone strikes and which American officials sign off on actually carrying them out.

The existence of the investigation hasn't previously been reported.


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